The force acting on the particles and the external forces is converted into the elastic strain energy in the particles. When the external force on the particle stress reaches the strength of the particles, the particles rupture, the energy required for screening to the particles stored in the elastic strain energy. After the sieving of the particles, the elastic strain in the particles can be gradually consumed in the inelastic deformation of the kinetic energy, acoustic energy and electromagnetic radiation. That is, the energy consumption of the single particle sieving is equal to the energy stored before the particles are pulverized, independent of the sieving. The original crack, particle size and strength of the ground particles all affect the utilization of the sieve energy consumption of the mill.
The energy consumption required for the sieving of the vibrating screen includes two parts: energy required to compact the internal crack, and secondly, after the crack is compacted, it begins to expand and multiply the energy consumption of the screening. From the impact test we can see the rock as a non-uniform non-continuous media, the internal contains a large number of structural discontinuities, irregular shape of the cracks, joints. During the impact process, the rock has experienced five stages: compaction stage, elastic deformation stage, stable fracture development stage, unstable rupture development stage and strain softening stage.